
Honorary Degrees

Faculty Awards

CategoryNumber of Awards
Excellence in Advising and Mentorship3
Excellence in Engagement1
Excellence in Librarianship1
Excellence in Research and Creative Activities6
Excellence in Service1
Excellence in Teaching6

The FIU Faculty Senate is opening the annual Faculty Awards of Excellence.  Each award carries a $5,000 stipend.  The awards will be presented at the annual Faculty Convocation held during Fall Semester 2025.

The Faculty Senate Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee invites you to submit names of worthy colleagues in your units who have established high records of achievement in any of the six categories.

Nominees will subsequently receive a congratulatory email. This email will include instructions for how to compose an application or withdraw from the nomination.

The application packet should include hard empirical evidence.  Files will need to follow the guidelines as the committee sadly won’t be able to consider those not doing so. If the nominator wishes to provide a letter of support, e-mail it directly to the nominee for them to include it in the pdf application packet.

The Faculty Senate Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee will evaluate applications according to rubrics now included with the award descriptions. The committee’s recommendations will then be forwarded to the FIU Faculty Senate for further processing.

Please note the important deadlines:

  • For nominations:  TBA 2025
  • For submission of completed application files:   TBA 2025

Click on the link to Nominate: FACULTY AWARD NOMINATIONS

If you have questions please contact Mary Cossio in the Faculty Senate office through email at  You may also contact the Honorary Degree & Awards Committee Chair, Steven Moll at or Honorary Degree and Awards Committee Secretary: Dr. Berenice Castillo at

For more information on eligibility, criteria and required documentation click the following links:

Excellence in Advising and Mentorship

FIU Philosophy of Advising and Mentorship

It is the philosophy of FIU that formal, as well as informal mentoring of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff make a faculty member someone who is advancing the core missions of the university.

Those who advise proactively and warmly, with an emphasis on the professional and personal success of his or her mentees/advisees embody the best that our faculty has to offer and give selflessly of themselves each day. Those who are diligent in their fostering and maintenance of relationships, those who monitor and revel in the success of those that they advise/mentor, and those who initiate and lead programs and projects to engender mentoring/advising relationships are truly worlds ahead.


  • This award recognizes excellence in three categories of advising and mentorship:
    • Undergraduate advising and mentorship
    • Graduate advising and mentorship
    • Faculty, staff and post-doctoral fellows
  • There are three awards to be given.
  • Each application will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Quality of advising and mentorship,
    • Advising and mentorship activities and time involved
    • Demonstrated initiative in advising and mentorship
    • Success of mentees
    • Personal development in advising and mentorship
    • Organization of file.
  • Details about the criteria and the relative weights for each of the categories can be found below.


  • Full time members of the FIU faculty with at least five years of employment before the year nominated.
  • For previous winners of this specific award, at least five academic years must have lapsed before a new nomination.
  • Faculty who hold administrative positions (i.e., departmental chairs or deans) are ineligible for these awards.
  • Credentials will be evaluated based on the past five years of advising and mentorship with an emphasis on that conducted while faculty at FIU.


The following criteria will be used to start the discussion for evaluating each nominee.

1. Organization of Application(5%)
Evidence of strong organization of file will be assessed through the following items:

  • Nominee followed all instructions regarding Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, CV and scope of the document.
  • The file follows a clear and logical order.

2. Quality (25%)
Quality of advising and mentorship can be demonstrated through the following items:

  • A description of the interpersonal skills used to foster and maintain your mentoring and advising relationships
  • Evidence of a warm, positive, encouraging, caring and helpful attitude that results in the formation of constructive relationships.
  • Evidence of your reputation of excellence in advising and mentorship.
  • Examples of guidance and referrals to appropriate resources.
  • Examples of how your mastery of institutional regulations, policies and procedures was helpful in your advising and mentorship.

3. Activities and Time Involved (20%)
Activities and time involved in advising and mentorship can include:

  • The numbers of formal and informal mentees and advisees you have worked with over the past 5 years.
  • Your general availability for advising and mentoring, the frequency of contact, approximate time spent, and activities performed with advisees and mentees.
  • Participation in large group advising activities such as speaker panels, speed mentoring, etc.

4. Initiative (20%)
Initiative in advising and mentorship can be demonstrated through the following:

  • How you take initiative within your role to proactively and diligently foster and maintain advising and mentoring relationships.
  • How you seek opportunities to engage in formal and informal mentoring and advising.
  • Evidence of advising and mentorship opportunities or programs that you have created for your mentees or advisees.
  • Development and/or delivery of “train the trainer” sessions that advise mentors and advisors as to best practices for mentoring or advising.

5. Success of mentees and advisees (20%)
Success of mentees and advisees can be demonstrated by the following:

  • A description of the influence of your mentoring and advising activities in the past 5 years on the personal and professional accomplishments of your mentees/advisees.
  • Accomplishments can include, but are not limited to awards, competitions, papers, books, scholarships, dissertations, theses, grants, presentations, posters, admission to graduate school, jobs, promotion, tenure,etc. Include titles, date, and other relevant information about the accomplishments.
  • Evidence of advisee/mentee academic success can include grades, testimonials, program success, job performance, etc.

6. Personal development in advising and mentorship (10%)
Evidence of personal development in advising and mentorship can include:

  • A description of how you equip yourself to be an effective mentor or advisor.
  • Evidence of participation in faculty development sessions that advise mentors and advisors as to best practices mentoring or advising.
  • A description of your activities to gain mastery of institutional resources, regulations, policies, and procedures.


The following documents must be uploaded in a single pdf file.

1. Curriculum Vitae

  • A CV spanning ONLY the past 5 years.
  • The CV should highlight mainly the nominee’s accomplishments in advising and mentorship in the area of undergraduate, graduate or faculty/staff/postdoctoral fellows.

2. Narrative Description

  • A 3-page (1,500 word) description highlighting the nominee’saccomplishmentsin support of the criteria listed above.
  • Emphasize the nominee’s accomplishments as they relate to FIU’s Philosophy of Advising and Mentorship.
  • Each application should be focused specifically in a single area:
    • Undergraduate students advising and mentorship
    • Graduate students advising and mentorship
    • Faculty/staff/postdoctoral fellow advising and mentorship

3. Supporting Letters

  • Include a maximum of three (3) letters of support from peers, and maximum of three (3) additional letters of support from previous advisees/mentees that speak directly to the nominee’s achievements in advising and mentorship. A total of six (6) letters of support will be considered.
  • If more than 3 letters are included in each category, only the first three letters will be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided while soliciting letters of support for this application.


Excellence in Creative Activities


  • This award recognizes excellence in creative activities.
  • There are six awards to be shared between research and creative activities.
  • Each application will be evaluated on the following criteria: Influential Activity, Quality of Artistic Practice, Visibility, Quality of Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, and Organization of Application.
  • Details about the criteria and the relative weights for each of the categories can be found below.


  • Full time members of the FIU faculty with at least five years of employment before the year nominated.
  • For previous winners of this specific award, at least five academic years must have lapsed before a new nomination.
  • Faculty who hold administrative positions (i.e., departmental chairs or deans) are ineligible for these awards.
  • Credentials will be evaluated based on the past five years of creative activities with an emphasis on that conducted while faculty at FIU.


The following criteria will be used to start the discussion for evaluating each nominee.
1. Organization of Application (5%)
Evidence of strong organization of file will be assessed through the following items
  • Nominee followed all instructions regarding Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, CV and the scope of the document.
  • The file follows a clear and logical order.

2. Supporting Letters (10%)
Evidence of strong supporting letters will be assessed through the following:

  • Expertise of recommender in the nominee’s field.
  • Recommender’s assessment of quality and impact of nominee’s work in their respective field.
  • Letters originate from other institutions also in the U.S. or internationally vs. exclusively from FIU.

3. Quality of Narrative Description (15%)

  • Self-assessment of the quality and impact of the nominee’s creative activities on the profession and society.
  • Description of plans related to nominee’s future directions.

4. Influential Activity (20%)

  • Evidence of the impact of the nominee’s work, including conceptual production, curatorial practice, development of technology, evidence of leadership in creative spaces, student-based commentary (excluding student teaching evaluations).

5. Quality of Artistic Practice (20%)

  • Evidence of refereed or adjudicated works such as awards, invitations, commissions, reviews.
6. Visibility (30%)
  • Evidence of openly available creative activities including recordings, composition, works, photographs, conference presentations, published works (articles, books, chapters, monographs), exhibitions, artistic shows, etc.


The following documents must be uploaded in a single pdf file.

1. Curriculum Vitae

  • A CV spanning ONLY the past 5 years.
  • The CV should highlight mainly the nominee’s accomplishments in creative activities.

2. Narrative Description

  • A 3-page (1,500 word) description highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in support of the criteria listed above.
  • Emphasize the creative activities accomplished while at FIU, and describe the quality of artistic practice, visibility, significance and impact to the field and the community.

3. Supporting Letters

  • Include a maximum of three (3) letters of support that speak directly to the nominee’s achievements in creative activities.
  • If more than 3 letters are included, only the first three letters will be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the nominee to use their best judgement to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided while soliciting letters of support for this application.


Excellence in Engagement

FIU fosters community partnerships, public-private partnerships, and multi-stakeholder coalitions.Through collaborative community engagement with stakeholders and collective resources FIU embraces the most complex challenges in the community while creating impact, hope, and opportunity. To learn more about engagement at FIU, visit the FIU Office of Engagement website.


  • This award recognizes excellence in formal engagement with community partners.
  • There is one award to be given.
  • To distinguish this award from the Award for Excellence in Service, this award for Excellence in Engagement recognizes superiority in formal collaborations between the faculty and community partner(s). The award recognizes the role of engagement at the local, regional or global levels in enhancing teaching, learning and research opportunities.
  • Each application will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Collaboration with partners
    • Faculty contributions
    • Impact
    • Organization of application.
  • Details about the criteria and the relative weights for each of the categories can be found below.


  • Full time members of the FIU faculty with at least five years of employment before the year nominated.
  • For previous winners of this specific award, at least five academic years must have lapsed before a new nomination.
  • Faculty who hold administrative positions (i.e., departmental chairs or deans) are ineligible for these awards.
  • Credentials will be evaluated based on the past five years of active engagement with an emphasis on engagement activities conducted while faculty at FIU.


The following criteria will be used to start the discussion for evaluating each nominee.

1. Organization of Application(5%)
Evidence of strong organization of file will be assessed through the following items:

  • Nominee followed all instructions regarding Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, CV and scope of the document.
  • The file follows a clear and logical order.

2. Collaboration with partners (20%)

  • The application demonstrates formal collaboration(s) between the faculty member and local, regional or global partner(s) that address complex challenges in the community.
3. Faculty contributions (25%)
  • The application details significant contributions of the faculty member to engagement project(s).
4. Impact (50%)
  • The application describes the impact of the engagement collaboration on the constituent community as well as the university.
  • Fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the engagement project.
  • The application illustrates the role of the engagement project(s) at the local, regional or global levels in enhancing teaching, learning, and/or research opportunities.


The following documents must be uploaded in a single pdf file.

1. Excellence in Engagement Award Checklist

2. Curriculum Vitae

  • A CV spanning ONLY the past 5 years.
  • The CV should highlight mainlythe nominee’s accomplishments in engagement.
  • Ensure that teaching, learning and research activities relevant to the engagement project(s) are included.

3. Narrative Description

  • A 3-page (1,500 word) description highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in support of the criteria listed above.
  • Emphasize the formal engagement projects in which the nominee participated, and describe its impact on FIU (research, teaching, and learning) and community stakeholders.

4. Supporting Letters

  • Include a maximum of three (3) letters of support that speak that speak directly to the nature of the collaboration and the complex challenges addressed, the role of the nominee in the project(s), and the impact of the nominee’s engagement activities on the relevant communities.
  • If more than 3 letters are included, only the first three letters will be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided while soliciting letters of support for this application.


Excellence in Librarianship


  • This award recognizes excellence in librarianship.
  • There is one award to be given.
  • Each application will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Innovations and excellence in library practice
    • Impact in library service
    • Leadership at the local, regional, national or international level
    • Excellence and quality of research/scholarship/creative work
    • Organization of application.
  • Details about the criteria and the relative weights for each of the categories can be found below.


  • Full time members of all FIU library faculty (including librarians at FIU schools and colleges) with at least five years of employment before the year nominated.
  • For previous winners of this specific award, at least five academic years must have lapsed before a new nomination.
  • Library faculty who hold administrative positions (i.e., deans) are ineligible for these awards.Library department chairs are eligible for these awards.
  • Credentials will be evaluated based on the past five years of librarianship, with an emphasis on that conducted while faculty at FIU.


The following criteria will be used to start the discussion for evaluating each nominee.

1. Organization of Application(5%)
Evidence of strong organization of file will be assessed through the following items:

  • Nominee followed all instructions regarding Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, CV and scope of the document.
  • The file follows a clear and logical order.

2. Library Practice (30%)

  • Demonstrates that the nominee performs superbly in fulfilling their professional practice duties, with evidence of innovation and excellence.

3. Service (25%)

  • Demonstrates distinguished service to the library, the University and community.

4. Leadership (20%)

  • Demonstrates impact towards the profession with increased leadership in organizations at the local, regional, national, or international level.

5. Research/Scholarship/Creative Works (20%)

  • Evidence of research and publications, including conferences, presentations or other output in library science or other academic disciplines.


The following documents must be uploaded in a single pdf file.
1. Excellence in Librarianship Award Checklist
2. Curriculum Vitae
  • A CV spanning ONLY the past 5 years.
  • The CV should highlight mainly the nominee’s accomplishments in librarianship.
3. Narrative Description
  • A 3-page (1,500 word) description highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in support of the criteria listed above.
  • Emphasize the nominee’s special contributions to the library profession, accomplishments in library service, creative works, teaching research and/or scholarship, while meeting the needs of students and faculty.
4. Supporting Letters
  • Include a maximum of three (3) letters of support that speak directly to the nominee’s achievements in librarianship.
  • If more than 3 letters are included, only the first three letters will be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided while soliciting letters of support for this application.


Excellence in Research


  • This award recognizes excellence in research.
  • There are six awards to be shared between research and creative activities.
  • Each application will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Quality of Narrative Description
    • Supporting Letters
    • Grant funding, Publications, Awards and Recognitions, Professional contributions
    • Organization of Application
  • Details about the criteria and the relative weights for each of the categories can be found below.


  • Full time members of the FIU faculty with at least five years of employment before the year nominated.
  • For previous winners of this specific award, at least five academic years must have lapsed before a new nomination.
  • Faculty who hold administrative positions (i.e., departmental chairs or deans) are ineligible for these awards.
  • Credentials will be evaluated based on the past five years of active research with an emphasis on that conducted while faculty at FIU.


The following criteria will be used to start the discussion for evaluating each nominee.
1. Organization of Application (5%)
Evidence of strong organization of file will be assessed through the following items:
  • Nominee followed all instructions regarding Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, CV and the scope of the document.
  • The file follows a clear and logical order.
2. Supporting Letters (10%)
Evidence of strong supporting letters will be assessed through the following:
  • Expertise of recommender in the nominee’s field.
  • Recommender’s assessment of quality and impact of nominee’s work in their respective field.
  • Letters originate from other institutions also in the U.S. or internationally vs. exclusively from FIU.
3. Quality of Narrative Description (15%)
  • Statement describing the role of the nominee and the impact of the research on the profession and society as a whole.
  • Description of plans related to nominee’s future research directions.
4. Grant funding, Publications, Awards and Recognitions, Professional contributions (70%)
Achievements in research can be demonstrated through the following items:
  • Publications (i.e., articles, chapters, books) and evidence of impact.
  • Quality and peer-reviewed nature of journals.
  • Grants received while at FIU, funding agencies and relative amounts of each.
  • Professional recognition as indicated by role in organizing conferences; serving as invited speaker on professional platforms; holding an office position in professional associations; receiving awards from professional organizations.
  • Poster and oral presentations given at regional, national or international conferences.


The following documents must be uploaded in a single pdf file.

1. Excellence in Research Award Checklist

2. Curriculum Vitae

  • A CV spanning ONLY the past 5 years.
  • The CV should highlight mainly the nominee’s accomplishments in research.
  • Ensure that publications, grants and other research achievements are included.

3. Narrative Description

  • A3-page (1,500 word) description highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in support of the criteria listed above.
  • Emphasize the research activities accomplished while at FIU and describe its significance and impact to the field and the community.

4. Supporting Letters

  • Include a maximum of three (3) letters of support that speak directly to the nominee’s achievements in research.
  • If more than 3 letters are included, only the first three letters will be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the nominee to use their best judgement to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided while soliciting letters of support for this application.


Excellence in Service


  • This award recognizes excellence in service.
  • There is one award to be given.
  • Each application will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Service to the department
    • Service to the college
    • Service to university
    • Service to the profession
    • Service to the community
    • Organization of application
  • To distinguish this award from the Excellence in Engagement Award which recognizes formal collaborations with external community partners, the Excellence in Service Award recognizes contributions of the nominee to the operation and success of the various constituents described above.
  • Details about the criteria and the relative weights for each of the categories can be found below.


  • Full time members of the FIU faculty with at least five years of employment before the year nominated.
  • For previous winners of this specific award, at least five academic years must have lapsed before a new nomination.
  • Faculty who hold administrative positions (i.e., departmental chairs or deans) are ineligible for these awards.
  • Credentials will be evaluated on the past three years of service with an emphasis on that conducted while faculty at FIU.


The following criteria will be used to start the discussion for evaluating each nominee.
1. Organization of Application (5%)
Evidence of strong organization of file will be assessed through the following items:
  • Nominee followed all instructions regarding Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, CV and scope of the document.
  • The file follows a clear and logical order.
2. Service to the department (15%)
  • Membership or leadership in departmental committees.
  • Indicate if you chaired the committee.
  • Indicate if appointed or elected, and provide some information about the extent of the commitment.
3. Service to the college (15%)
  • Membership or leadership in college committees.
  • Indicate if you chaired the committee.
  • Indicate if appointed or elected, and provide some information about the role, and the extent of the commitment.
4. Service to university (15%)
  • Membership or leadership in university-wide committees.
  • Indicate if you chaired the committee.
  • Indicate if appointed or elected, and provide some information about the role, and the extent of the commitment.
5. Service to the profession (35%)
  • Participation or leadership in professional organizations, management, conferences, journal editing, abstract/manuscript reviewing, etc.
  • Indicate committee membership and if you chaired the committee.
  • Indicate if appointed or elected, and provide some information about the role in meeting the needs of the society/profession, and the extent of the commitment.
6. Service to the community(15%)
  • Describe the community service activities in which the nominee participates.
  • Activities include but are not limited to volunteering in the local community schools, religious organizations, art organizations, retirement communities, sports organizations, environmental organizations, etc.
  • Include the importance of these activities and the impact of the work.


The following documents must be uploaded in a single pdf file.

1. Excellence in Service Award Checklist

2. Curriculum Vitae

  • A CV spanning ONLY the past 5 years.
  • The CV should highlight mainlythe nominee’s accomplishments in service activities.

3. Narrative Description

  • A 3-page (1,500 word) description highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in support of the criteria listed above.
  • Emphasize the service performed while a faculty member at FIU, specifically for the department, college, institution, profession and community, and indicate, where relevant, the importance or significance of the service activities.

4. Supporting Letters

  • Include amaximum of three (3) letters of support that speak directly to the nominee’s achievements in service.
  • If more than 3 letters are included, only the first three letters will be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided while soliciting letters of support for this application.


Excellence in Teaching


  • This award recognizes excellence in teaching.
  • There are six awards to be given.
  • Each application will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Quality of pedagogy
    • Evidence of learning and effective teaching
    • Professional development in higher education
    • Courses taught
    • Organization of application.
  • Details about the criteria and the relative weights for each of the categories can be found below.


  • Full time members of the FIU faculty with at least five years of employment before the year nominated.
  • For previous winners of this specific award, at least five academic years must have lapsed before a new nomination.
  • Faculty who hold administrative positions (i.e., departmental chairs or deans) are ineligible for these awards.
  • Credentials will be evaluated based on the most recent 9 semesters (including summer semester) of active teaching. Time spent on sabbaticals or other forms of leave is not counted


The following criteria will be used to start the discussion for evaluating each nominee.

1. Organization of Application (5%)
Evidence of strong organization of file will be assessed through the following items:

  • Nominee followed all instructions regarding Narrative Description, Supporting Letters, CV and scope of the document.
  • The file follows a clear and logical order.

2. Pedagogy (35%)
Quality of pedagogy can be demonstrated through the following items.

  • Statement describing teaching philosophy including your perception of a good teacher.
  • Demonstration of your commitment to student learning.
  • Description of how you employ effective strategies (TBL, PBL, CBL, flipped classroom, or innovative strategies) for facilitating learning in online, hybrid or face to face situations.
  • Your method of assessing student progress in knowledge and/or skill acquisition in your classes.
  • Description of providing effective feedback to students.
  • Examples of how you cultivate engaging and inclusive learning environments in which students are both motivated and able to excel.
  • Provide, in support of your statement, three (3) teaching artifacts that show how you improve student learning, increase student engagement, exhibit innovation, address real-world problems, engage with the community, increase student retention, development of new courses. Artifacts can include syllabi, assignments, assessments, reflections, lectures, videos, curriculum development, etc.

3. Evidence of learning and effective teaching (40%)
Evidence of learning and effective teaching can be demonstrated through the following items.

  • SPOT evaluations or other similar evaluations from the past 9 semesters of active teaching (time spent on sabbatical or on leave does not contribute to the 9 semesters of active teaching).
  • Peer evaluations of your teaching from the past 9 semesters.
  • Letters of support/appreciation from previous students you have taught in the past 9 semesters (max 3 letters).
  • Letters from peers with documenting effective teaching you have employed over the past 9 semesters (max 3 letters).
  • Documentation of other awards you have received for teaching in the past 5 years.

4. Professional Development in Higher Education (10%)
Professional Development activities can be demonstrated through the following items.

  • A description of activities you have undertaken to reflect on and improve your teaching in the past 9 semesters.
  • Demonstration of participation in the development of teaching skills and knowledge through professional societies, other institutions, FIU, Center for Advancement of Teaching, College, Department over the past 9 semesters.
  • Professional development activities may include attending workshops, conference sessions, meeting with colleagues, reading/publishing articles about teaching, grants for professional development, etc.

5. Courses Taught (10%)
Please complete the attached excel spreadsheet listing the courses taught in the most recent 9 semesters of active teaching, and save it as a pdf document.

  • Include the semester (fall/spring/summer/mini-term), the course code and the course title, the number of credits, the modality (online, hybrid, classroom, lab, etc.), undergrad/graduate, the number of students, # of teaching hours, and your role as a faculty member (course director, primary faculty, secondary faculty, small group facilitator, etc.).


The following documents must be uploaded in a single pdf file.

 Excellence in Teaching Award Checklist

1. Curriculum Vitae

  • A CV spanning ONLY the past 5 years.
  • The CV should highlight mainly the nominee’s accomplishments in teaching.

2. Narrative Description

  • A 3-page (1,500 word) description highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in support of the criteria listed above.
  • Emphasize the teaching accomplished while at FIU, and describe the innovations, student engagement and evidence of student learning.

3. Teaching Artifacts

  • Provide, in support of your statement, three (3) teaching artifacts that show how you improve student learning, increase student engagement, exhibit innovation, address realworld problems, engage with the community, increase student retention, development of new courses.
  • Artifacts can include syllabi, assignments, assessments, reflections, lectures, videos, curriculum development, etc.

4. Supporting Letters

  • Include a maximum of three (3) letters of support from peers/supervisors, and maximum of three (3) additional letters of support from previous students that speak directly to the nominee’s achievements in teaching and learning. A total of six (6) letters of support will be considered.
  • If more than 3 letters are included in each category, only the first three letters will be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided while soliciting letters of support for this application.

5. Courses Taught:

  • Complete spreadsheet file as outlined in the description of the criterion earlier, convert to pdf and attach to the application file.
  • Teaching Award Courses Taught


Related Links:

To see a list of all previous award recipients, click here.